I keep seeing this done on other blogs, and it always warms my soul... so here I go:

1. The memory of this afternoon at my parents house when I sat for awhile with my Nana with the warm afternoon sun shining in the window. She hand hemmed a pair of pants in record time while I knit. I know, next time I need a picture of us together...but this is the memory.

2. An even stronger understanding of what the best gift of Christmas is. The story of Christ's birth was never as real to me as it was after reading
Intimate Moments with the Savior - Learning to Love by Ken Gire. Awesome!!!

3. Knowing that I can try to make Toffee again, even if it's not Christmas. I made 4, yes 4 batches in December and not one of them turn out right. I finally figured out the culprit...my candy thermometer is broken. Man, that's a lot of burnt butter in the garbage!!

4. Sorry to any vegetarians out there, but come on...this is perfection. Prime rib made by my dad for a family dinner.

5. Do you see how cute these leg warmers are on Ms. Emma!! They were originally wrist warmers for me from a free pattern found
here. But a cold rainy day at dance class, and they are now hers. I just bought more yarn yesterday to make me a new pair.

6. The lavender I put in my knitting bag. Every time I pull something out of there...ummm. And the fact that when my kids smell it they know it's lavender : ).

7. All the Christmas "stuff" is finally in boxes ready for Dan to put in the attic tomorrow. And I even remembered the Christmas books so we are not reading Rudolf in August!!

8. This picture of me and my mom. Her and dad came up to visit us while we were camping last week. I just don't have enough photos of mom and me. (see blog dated October 22, 2008)

9. I love this photo of Dan relaxing while we are camping, mostly because it's so rare. I don't believe he got to sit for more than 10 minutes the whole time. Those kids keep him busy.

10. That my boy has been hounding me to teach him to embroider for months (yes, I said embroider). He did a great job, and he loved it!!
So that's what I'm loving right now... How about you?