Our family started a new Bible study last week. It's on Wednesday nights and there's something for all four of us. The kids both have their own classes, Dan is in the men's study, and I'm in the (huge!) woman's study. My former Bible study had about 8 people in it. This one has at least 200!! Luckily we are broken down into tables of 8, so it will be nice to get to know the women at my table this year. We are studying the book of Psalms, which I am very excited about.
I've also joined a MOPs group which starts next Tuesday. I've been going to T-Mom's the past year and a half which is basically a MOP's group, but put on privately by a church in Redlands. I've loved T-Moms, but the drive is long, and with gas prices it just doesn't make since. I'm looking forward to meeting a whole new group of women and seeing what the group as to offer.
I've also just found out that the church that has the Bible study and MOPs group, also has a group of homeschooling families. I've been looking into that too. I probably sound crazy, but there is something different about having scheduled activities with Christian groups than to have a busy schedule that is all over the place. Anyway, I'm hoping this year is a great year of growth for me and my family.
My last week of work was very busy, and while there is lots of work scheduled for the rest of the month, nothing can be as busy as the last week. I am very thankful for the work, and I'm so happy to be able to do it all from home so my kids can be with me. I'm looking forward to really getting school running regularly. This is what we've been called to do, and not doing it is disobeying the Lord. I must make it a priority. With that said, we are almost done with our leaf unit. Monday morning we should be starting our apple unit, and just in time. It's apple season up at Oak Glen and we have plans to meet friends up there on Thursday. We had a beautiful time there last year, and have been looking forward to going back since then.
We were hoping to go camping this weekend, but it didn't work out. So, my head is still in Idyllwild from Labor Day Weekend. I've decided to share a few more photos from that great time. (the header photo on my blog is from that weekend).

Here's Zach with his first catch, ever!! A blue gill.

Lucky for us Emma caught one too!!

Dan got a little bit of rest in (don't let this photo fool you, this was a rare moment!)

I thought for sure we would need a case of Bandaids when I saw them doing this...

but there were no falls. They had such a great long ride down the hill from our camp site. Dan tried to get me to go with him, but I was chicken (besides, then who would be in charge of the camera?).
We can't wait to go back to Silent Valley. Hopefully next time Grandpa with go with us!!!
Hello Amy!
I love your blog! We will miss you this year at TMOMS but I'm sure you will have a wonderful time at MOPs.
Take care,
great pictures! i love the one you chose as a header! can we come, too?
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