Luke Samuel Noack was born on December 2, 2009 weighing in at 8 lbs., 7 oz.
He is a big healthy beautiful baby, and already we can not imagine life without him. I will admit that adjusting to three kiddos has been much more difficult for me than the adjustment to two. I'm not sure exactly why since the other two are such awesome helpers, but so it is.

With this birth brought Aunt Dawny from St. Thomas to help out for two weeks. It was lovely, and I would recommend never having a baby without an Aunt Dawny (or really good substitute) around. She cooked, she cleaned, she did laundry, she showered love and attention on Zachary and Emma, and she danced the most wonderful dances with baby Luke. He fell in love right away. It was hard to let her go, but I know the trade winds will blow her this way again soon. Besides, now she knows the sweet smell of new baby. It is impossible to get that out of your system. (Today just happens to be Aunt Dawny's birthday... happy happy to you sister!)

Soon after Dawn's return to the island came Christmas and a two week break from work for Danny. Ahhh, more wonderful help with the kids. He is the most awesome husband and daddy that exists. We trudged along together, sleeplessly feeding and loving on the kids.
Christmas was kind of a blur in some ways and in other ways it was full of sweet memories. What a wonderful time to grow our family, during the remembering of the birth of our Jesus. We implemented a new tradition, a Jesse Tree, and enjoyed it so much that our prayer time in the evenings has now turned into devotions too. Unfortunately, Dan and the three kids where sick through the holidays, so we spent them quietly at home which turned out to be a blessing. Nana, Papa, and Nana Sue came out for Christmas morning and brought brunch with them. After that we settled in for a quiet afternoon snuggling Luke and watching the kids play with their new toys. Pretty perfect on all accounts.

I'm trying my best to get into a rhythm with the three kids at home on my own. January flew by, but we are keeping up well with school. Zachary started 1st grade over the Christmas holiday and we are truly loving it. There will be more on that soon, but I have already gone on more than I should have here today. I haven't started back with work yet. I am not sure exactly how I am going to incorporate that into our days yet, but I will have to figure that out soon. For now I will just continue getting by one day at a time with a baby wrapped to me and two wonderful kids to teach and learn from.

welcome back! (i was wondering how long it was going to take you...)
Yeah Larae... me to : ). I figure if I can nurse and knit, I can certainly nurse and blog!!
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