Tuesday, August 24, 2010

His Gummy Smile

I had to take a few photos today of my babes gummy smile because he just might wake up in the morning with a small pearly tooth. I can not say that I am looking forward to it. I love his little gums. It's a part of him that still says to me, "Yes, I am still your baby". I know he will always be my baby, but this is just another milestone in his growth, and I just don't want that "growth" happening too quickly. I would, however, like this uncomfortable time for him to be over. I just can't imagine the pain of cutting a tooth and then having a new sharp edge in your mouth to try and get used to. Awww yes, growing pains are hard on the babies and the mamas.
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larae said...

so happy! hope he feels better soon! it's about time he got a tooth...

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