Our little girl rocks my world - every day. Being witness to her growing up is amazing. She has such a caring heart for those she loves. She is such a lover and such a girly girl. Don't get me wrong, she can hang with her brothers - both younger and older. She lights up her little brothers face like no one else can. She is such a second mommy to him and wants to teach him everything she knows. And her older brother just doesn't take everything so seriously when he spends time with her. She makes him comfortable enough to just be himself. She turns her daddy into goo. He is head over heals in love with his baby girl. And me... well, she softens my heart in the very best way. She makes me slow down and enjoy life more. She reminds me what life is all about.
And some how six years have slipped by since she so quickly arrived in our lives. Six beautiful years. I love you my Emma Dawn!

And some how six years have slipped by since she so quickly arrived in our lives. Six beautiful years. I love you my Emma Dawn!

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