Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Day 2

We just finished another day of ECC and so far everything is going really well. Just a couple fun things to share today. We are studying John 3:16 to start the year off and today we were to make a poster with pictures of people from around the world and John 3:16 on it. I decided to change things up a bit and decorate a box with the pictures instead, turning it into a piggy bank for donations to a Bible translation ministry. Our curriculum donates to God's Word for the Nations and after learning a little more about the ministry, I think it is something the kids and I will enjoy giving to.

In geography today we talked about how hard it is to transfer what is on the globe onto a flat map. To demonstrate this we drew the world on a tangerine with a permanent marker. Then we pealed the tangerine and tried to put it together into a map. Did you know that map makers usually distort the top and bottom of the world so that it is much larger than it really is. For example, on a map Greenland can look as big as South America. If you look at it on a globe, you see that it is really far smaller. So mom is learning right along with the kiddos again today!

So here is Zachary showing our tangerine with the world drawn on it.

And here the kids are trying to piece together the peel into a flat map.

I love when things are hands on, which is just another reason I love this curriculum so much. Plus it's always nice when you get to eat school when your done learning :-).

One other thing I wanted to mention. We have made a change to the way we are doing the Bible portion of our day. We have been doing it the night before with daddy. It gives him a chance to be involved in a very important part of our school day and it also gives us a set time to study together every evening (which is something that doesn't happen enough). So far it has worked out beautifully.


Kattie said...

Hi! My name is Kattie and I am stopping by to let you know about the My Father's World Homeschool Highlights! It is a weekly link-up where those of us using MFW can link up, share, and support one another. I hope you can join us, the info is on my blog.


PS I like the idea of doing Bible with Dad in the evening! Also we did MFW 1st last year and are doing ECC this year :0)

Larae said...

cool! that's great that Dad gets to be a part of the Bible stuff--i think i'll remember that for when we finally start. and i love the tangerine! what did the kids think?